AIACE - Associazione Italiana Amici Cinema d'Essai

INVIDEOMilano Film Network




Home / INVIDEO / Romano Fattorossi


Romano Fattorossi, active in the audiovisual sector since 1977 as a critic (Radio Radicale, Avanti, Giorno, Cineforum, D’Ars), event organizer and reviews (Panoramica - Le vie del cinema, l’Altro Cinema, Techné), has collaborated with several festivals (Venice, Turin, Caracas) has directed others (Pantelleria, Montecatini) or founded (INVIDEO). He collaborated with European and non-European international projects (Cineuropa, EuropaCinema, Medscreens) and he directed others (MediaSalles and Europanet). As President of A.I.A.C.E.- Milan, He was General Delegateof C.I.C.A.E. and thank to INVIDEO, He was founder of AFIC and MFN and several other film culture organizations.