20th YEAR
Istituto Europeo di Design, Milano
11 - 12 November 2010
Spazio Oberdan, Milano
12 - 13 - 14 November 2010
Centre culturel français de Milan, Milano
13 November 2010
La Triennale di Milano, Milano
17 November 2010
Traces. INVIDEO celebrates its twentieth birthday. A fine achievement. But, as Paul Nizan writes in the famous opening of his Aden Arabie, «I shan’t allow anyone to say that this is the best time of life».
Like many twenty-year-olds these days, INVIDEO, too, feels the same sense of uncertainty and precariousness. Like many cultural and artistic initiatives in our country, INVIDEO, isn’t in the best of positions, either. And yet, we can proudly say that it is thanks to INVIDEO that Milan has become one of the world capitals of video art; it is thanks to their precious archives that academics, critics, students, artists and young people with a passionate interest have been able to write books, organize festivals, get to know what is being produced worldwide. A smile comes to our faces when we see exhibitions, articles and initiatives dedicated today to artists we discovered, invited, made known. These, then, are “traces”: the ones that must stay and resist, out of all this heritage of experiences, meetings, works, illuminations, laboriously but happily built up over time.
Traces are also those impressed on film, both photographic and cinematographic, which lose the form of prints as they pass over to digital. One text in the catalogue opens up these reflections, because this year there are many, touching signs of the past of images, appeals to memory, to personal and historical recall. Nostalgia? Resistance to the ephemeral lack of substance of modern media? Running away from relentless and aggressive reality? Traces are the ones left by the “great and youthful old men” in Daniele Segre’s portraits, who teach us the courage of passions and ideas. And Traces is also the title of a personal, family film by Corto Salani, the director-author-actor who left us at such a young age in the month of June: an explorer of borders, between genres and countries and existence on precarious and complex thresholds. Presenting a work by him, Imatra, with eye-witness accounts and critical texts, means paying homage to an important and well-loved person. Borders are also explored by Chantal Akerman: a small tribute is dedicated to her (after the 2009 tribute to Agnès Varda): the undefined territories of a changing East, and the threshold between cinema, video, installation, stories and History. And a fine, scalding trace has been left on the history of TV by the undisputed pioneer, the genial French experimenter Jean-Christophe Averty: INVIDEO proposes the first Italian acknowledgement of this artist, who imagined and created a different, creative, intelligent, astonishing and live TV. Any comment on today is superfluous. Amongst the production projects is “Moving Stories”: an experiment in new narrative modes using digital, an international network of artistic practices of which INVIDEO is one of the protagonists. Project: INVIDEO stubbornly looks to the future. In the hope of continuing to regale its audiences – and not only – with striking visions, metamorphoses, research into language, counter-current investigations, touching portraits, innovative documents, big and little stories. «Thinking differently», to quote an expression of Alain Touraine’s.
Will it be possible for this enthralling journey to continue?
Gil Alkabetz, Der Da Vinci Timecode, Germania/Germany, 2009, 3'
Geneviève Allard, Quietly…leaving, Canada, 2009, 5'25''
Chema G. Araque, Hernán Talavera, Interiorismo, Spagna/Spain, 2009, 11'40''
John Borst, Robert Cahen, Red Memory, Francia/France, 2010, 9'30''
Laëtitia Bourget, Defilé des hybrides, Francia /France, 2008, 3'
Ascan Breuer, The Kurukshetra Report, Austria, 2009, 8'
Leonardo Carrano, Silvio Giorcelli, Lacrimosa, Italia/Italy 2010, 4'
Martha Colburn, Triumph of the Wild, Paesi Bassi/The Netherlands, 2009, 11′
Damir Čučić, Boris Poljak, Sky spirits, Croazia/Cratia, 2010, 6'
Yaron Dahan, The Lives & Times of Abraham Kahn, Germania-Israele/Germany-Israel, 2009, 18'
Tony Donoghue, A Film From My Parish, Irlanda/Ireland, 2009, 7'
Willi Dorner, Michael Palm, Body trail, Austria, 2009, 8'
Jorge García Velayos, La bestia, Spagna/Spain, 2009, 5'20''
Max Hattler, Aanaatt, Gran Bretagna-Germania-Giappone/UK-Germany-Japan, 2008, 4'45''
Gunilla Heilborn, Mårten Nilsson, This is Alaska, Svezia/Sweden, 2009, 11'
Kum-Byul Hwangbo, The Note , Sud Corea/South Corea, 2008, 3'31''
Roman Kaelin, Florian Wittmann, Formic, Germania/Germany, 2009, 3'40''
Jill Kennedy, New Educational Series - At home with the ants, Nuova Zelanda/New Zeland, 2009, 9'45''
Shira Klasmer, Successions, Gran Bretagna/ UK, 2009, 4'19''
Michel Klöfkorn, /...liquid paper, Germania/Germany, 2009, 3'37''
Karsten Krause, You and me, Germania/Germany, 2009, 3'45''
Umesh Kulkarni, Gaarud, India, 2009, 13'
Niina Lehtonen-Braun, Postcards, Finlandia-Germania/Finland-Germany, 2009, 14'40''
Alice Lyons, Orla McHardy, The Polish Language, Irlanda/Ireland, 2009, 8'08''
Amir Mehran, Cold Blood, Iran, 2008, 7'
Almagul Menlibayeva, Exodus, Germania-Kazachistan/Germany-Kazakhstan, 2009, 11'
Erwin Olaf, Dusk, Paesi Bassi/The Netherlands, 2009, 5'11''
Erwin Olaf, Dawn, Paesi Bassi/The Netherlands, 2010, 5'11''
Jean-Gabriel Périot, Les barbares, Francia/France, 2010, 5'
Johan Rijpma, Tegels, Paesi Bassi/The Netherlands, 2010, 2'
Carmen Rozestraten, After the Water the Clouds, Paesi Bassi/The Netherlands, 2009, 9'47''
Maki Satake, Kurashi Ato - Vestige of Life, Giappone/Japan, 2009, 12'
Laura Seymour, Gone...but not forgotten, Gran Bretagna, UK, 2008, 3'
Oliver Smolders, Petite anatomie de l'image, Belgio/Belgium, 2009, 21'
Danilo Torre, Tre Addii, Italia/Italy, 2009, 16'
Guido Van der Werve, Nummer Negen (The day I didn't turn with the world), Paesi Bassi/The Netherlands 2008, 9'
François Vogel, Stretching, Francia/France, 2009, 4'30
Christina von Greve, Drift, Germania/Germany, 2010, 7'30''
Patrick Wilen, Madame de Sade, Svizzera/Switzerland, 2010, 5'13''
Naren Wilks, Collide-o-scope, Gran Bretagna/UK, 2010, 3'24''
Owen Eric Wood, Holobomo, Canada, 2009, 4'40''
INVIDEO è un progetto AIACE - Milano sostenuto da: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Direzione Generale per il Cinema; Regione Lombardia, Sottosegretario al Cinema; Comune di Milano, Settore Tempo Libero e Settore Spettacolo; Provincia di Milano, Settore Cultura.
INVIDEO si avvale anche del contributo e della collaborazione di: EUNIC | Goethe-Institut Mailand | Centre culturel français de Milan | Consolato Generale del Regno dei Paesi Bassi-Milano | Forum Austriaco di Cultura a Milano | Ufficio Culturale dell'Ambasciata di Israele | Fondazione Cineteca Italiana | Spazio Oberdan | IED Milano | Triennale Design Museum, Milano | Amici di INVIDEO | FDVLAB | Ondavideo Pisa | e di Eurohotel Milan | Frank Social Club | Mocuato la Milano dell'Auto | Pizzeria 40 | Ristorante Lucca