INVIDEO – 26th International Exhibition of Video and Cinema Beyond
17th - 20th November 2016 Milan
SEDUCTIONS are the subject of 26th INVIDEO - International Exhibition of Video and Cinema Beyond that will take place in Milan from November 17th to November 20th. Four days of experimentation and research with a focus on international festivals, solo shows dedicated to major names in the video art, masterclass and training events.
It may seem a luxury to speak about seductions in uncertain times like the present, in these geographies overwhelmed by wars and natural disasters aggravated by negligence and human irresponsibility. Yet this year’s works, meetings and events speak to us in some way of attractions and desire, they sing and enchant us making us think and offer many different types of seduction.
If all this emerges and clearly prevails in the works of our INTERNATIONAL SELECTION, in the events it appears like a hidden thread that connects themes and meetings: the seduction exercised by the cinema in the video music performances by MATIAS GUERRA and the KARMACHINA;that of the avant-gardes of yesterday and of today in the PERUVIAN SELECTION;the section beyond the seduction of gender and negated identity, in the works by GIOVANNI CODA and CARLOS MOTTA. And love that pervades the very tender, auto-ironic and tragic portrait of Piergiorgio Welby. But also the irresistible call of the many true stories, in the audiovisual reportages of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia L’Aquila presented by Daniele Segre; the seductive games with the more observant spectator in ARTISTIC VIDEOGAMES and the fascination of the short form in the selection from the glorious FESTIVAL OF CLERMOND-FERRANT; the bodies seduced by unconsciousnesses, including technological, in the corpus of works of ALESSANDRO AMADUCCI. And, above all, the seduction with which INVIDEO has always been true to offering each year a programme prepared with love: that of being able to imagine other worlds, in other ways.