AIACE - Associazione Italiana Amici Cinema d'Essai

INVIDEOMilano Film Network




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Incontriamoci INVIDEO

INVIDEO restarts the weekly meetings to propose monographs conceived starting from the materials present in collection, but also to meet needs and curiosities of the single ones creating ad hoc programmes on demands of users.

2013 Programme (on updating):

2nd February

Mangiare con gli occhi. dall'archivio Invideo: il cibo protagonista

2nd March

Oscar e dintorni: ZBIG RYBCZYNSKI

6th April

ROBERT CAHEN – Parte seconda

4th May - INVIDEO takes part to EXPO DAYS 2013

PETER KUBELKA: “La metafora mangiabile”. La cucina alle origini delle arti e delle scienze. 

5th October- INVIDEO takes part to AMACI's Giornata del Contemporaneo 2013

Lars Movin, "The Misfits: 30 years of Fluxus"

2012 Programme:

6th October- INVIDEO takes part to AMACI's Giornata del Contemporaneo 2012

Sguardi di donne dal mondo

3rd November

Questa sì che è animazione! Sei percorsi originali nell'animazione in video

1st December - INVIDEO  takes part to “Natale in Sarpi festa di tutti”

Chris Cunningham: l’arte del videoclip

All the screenings will take place at Fabbrica del Vapore (via Procaccini 4, Milano) at 5.30 pm.

The access is restricted to the members of A.I.A.C.E.; whoever needs to renew his membership card or join us can do it free at our office.