AIACE - Associazione Italiana Amici Cinema d'Essai

INVIDEOMilano Film Network




Home / INVIDEO / Archive / I lunedì della videoarte


Foto di Ambra Zeni

INVIDEO Film Archive, born to create in Milan a permanent collection of non-fiction art (video art, research and experimental film and video, documentaries, theatre and dance video...), acquires every year the most significant italian and international works presented to the audience at INVIDEO Festival. These works can be viewed on demand at Fabbrica del Vapore, where the association A.I.A.C.E. is located.

Since October 2011 the Archive organizes I lunedì della videoarte, a series of afternoon projections dedicated to students and passionates who want to discover or deepen vidaoart scene, from the 70s to present.

Sam Bassett, The Night before Christmas

The aim of the weekly meetings is to propose monographs conceived starting from the materials present in collection, but also to meet needs and curiosities of the single ones creating ad hoc programmes on demands of users.

2011 Programme:

17 October

Nam June Paik and Wolf Vostell

24 October

Bill Viola

7 November

Robert Cahen 

14 November

Gianni Toti 

28 November

Steina and Woody Vasulka 

5 and 12 December

Peter Greenaway 

2012 Programme:

13 February

Sguardi sulla città: otto visioni urbane

20 February

L’arte di esprimersi: il corpo nella video arte

27 February

arte²: la video arte racconta l'arte

12 March

Il found footage: la seconda vita delle immagini

19 March

Vedere la musica

19 March

Vedere la musica

26 March

Il Video a Teatro 

16 April

Voglio vederti danzare: la video danza

24 April

Documentare con le immagini

All the screenings will take place at Fabbrica del Vapore (via Procaccini 4, Milano) at 5.30 pm.

The access is restricted to the members of A.I.A.C.E.; whoever needs to renew his membership card or join us can do it free at our office.

If you want you can also buy, matched with our annual membership card, the "VIENI AL CINEMA" card (euros 15,00) that gives discounts and reductions in all Italy.