AIACE - Associazione Italiana Amici Cinema d'Essai




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Black and White, Gouache and rhythm. Women’s look on videoart
Saturday 6 March and Sunday 7 March 2010 16:00-19:00
Monday 8 March 10:00-19:00
Fabbrica del Vapore

A.I.A.C.E. - Milano proposes two different sensitivities in comparison - Marina Spada and Ursula Ferrara ones- in the frame of a focus on women’s approach to videoart.

1. Seminar with Marina Spada and Elena Marcheschi
2. Exhibition of Ursula Ferrara’s working drawings
3. Selection of videos taken from INVIDEO archive

 1. Saturday 6 March 17:00/19:00

Marina Spada

Marina Spada explains the origin of her work and her method, showing her notebooks/storyboards and projecting extracts of her videos:

* Amerò solo un Dio che danza, 1994, 5’
* Fernanda Pivano. C'era una volta l'America, 1995, 32‘
* Arnaldo Pomodoro, racconto dell’artista, 1996, 26’30’’
* Francesco Leonetti: lo scrittore a 7 code, 1998, 29’30’’
* Dove si guarda c’è quello che siamo, 1998, 9’
 e dei due lungometraggi più recenti:
* Come l’ombra, 2006, 87’
* Poesia che mi guardi, 2009, 50’

The seminar will be run by the moderator Elena Marcheschi, Visual Arts teacher at Università di Pisa and Art journalist.

2. During the whole exhibition the audience will have the chance to get to know Ursula Ferrara’s work through her drawings and her animation films. This multifaceted artist from Tuscany has chosen a selection of preparatory drawings while the opera omnia will be screened in loop.

Amore Asimmetrico by Ursula Ferrara

* Lucidi folli, 1986, 2’
* Congiuntivo futuro, 1988, 2’15’’
* Amore Asimmetrico, 1990, 2’40’’
* Come persone, 1995, 1’23’’
* Quasi niente, 1997, 2’20’’
* Cinque Stanze, 1999, 4’23’’
* La partita, 2002, 4’
* news, 2006, 4’11’’

3. The most significant videos, taken from INVIDEO archive, made by women or portraying women,  will give an overall look on the various approaches to videoart:

Electric Self by Alessandro Amaducci

• Steina Vasulka, Sex Machine, USA, 1970, 6’
• Marina Abramovich, SSS, Yugoslavia/USA, 1989, 5’31’’
• Dominique Belloir, Le syndrome de Stendhal, Francia, 1990, 11’35’’
• Elisabetta Filocamo, Inside-Outside, Italia, 1997, 8’30’’
• Adriana Amodei, Intersezioni, Italia, 1997, 3’10’’
• Laetitia Bourget, Manipuler son corps, Francia, 1998, 4’40’’
• Rosa Barba e Herwig Wieser, Distroia, Germania, 1999, 3’45’’
• Monica Petracci, As colors do, Italia, 1999, 3’
• Julie-Christine Fortier, Mechanical Rodeo, Canada, 2000, 2’
• Anna De Manincor, Roccu, Italia, 2003, 4’
• Ethem Ozguven, F, Turchia, 2004, 6’

Insect by Magda Matwiejew

• Susanna Carlisle, Illuminations, USA, 2006, 7’51’’
• Alessandro Amaducci, Electric Self, Italia, 2006, 4’
• Clarissa Cappellani, Emma Dante. Il gesto necessario, Italia, 2007, 48’
• Elke Groen, Night still, Austria, 2007, 9’
• Sara Filippelli e Giuseppe La Rosa, Musica da Cucina, Italia, 2007, 9’30’’
• Magda Matwiejew, Insect, Australia, 2007, 4’22’’
• Isabel Rocamora, Horizon of Exile, UK, 2007, 21’56’’
• Aitor Echeverria, Aprop, Spagna, 2007, 5’50''
• Robert Cahen, Saana – passage en noir, Francia, 2007, 7’07’’
• Clorinde Durand, Naufrage, Francia, 2008, 6’
• Eni Brandner, Border, Austria, 2009, 5’05''